Gruppe von 6 teils inhaltsreichen handschriftlichen Briefen an Christoph Bernoulli, Freund und Mitschüler aus der Schulzeit in Schiers
Various formats
All letters signed "Alberto". The group contains:
1. Sheet with 2 pages of text, dated "Paris 17 nov 1953". He has no available good drawings
2. Sheet with 3 pages of text, dated "2 ou 3 mars 1957". He was in Stampa for 2 months. Bernoulli asks for an exhibition in St. Gallen, Alberto has to decline, he does not have enough works available
3. Sheet with 3 pages of text, "Paris, dimanche" (probably October 1958). Complains that time passes too quickly. Was in Basel again for the exhibition
4. 2 sheets with 7 pages of text, dated "Stampa, 18 mars 1962" and envelope with address "Christoph Bernoulli, 69 Holbeinstrasse, Bâle". Thanking him for a letter and an article. Philosophises about the past
5. Sheet with 3 pages of text and envelope with address "Hôtel des Bergues, Genève", "Stampa, 27 juillet 1963". He is supposed to dedicate a painting for Bernoulli and talks about his mother
6. Sheet with 2 pages of text, Paris, lundi (no date). Gives permission for the reproduction of a drawing in a book by Lucas Lichtenhan
Group lot
With: 1 letter from Annetta Giacometti to Christoph Bernoulli, dated Stampa Dec. 1961, 1 sheet with 2 pages of text. - 3 cards from Zacharia Giacometti to Christoph Bernoulli, 2 dated "28. Mai 50", "7. Februar 62" and one card undated. - Together 10 documents